March 25th - Day 341

Jess, Ian and Ben being cold outside The Glad, wherein Dublin singer-songwriter James McMorrow entertained a squashed audience with song and guitar.


johnny gladstone said...

Thanks for this! The Glad is at 64 Lant St, SE1 1 QN, a minute from Borough Station. Music that matters a lot to us every Thurs, Sat and Sun, and always free. We've had everyone from Fionn Regan, Romeo Stodart, Larry Jon Wilson to Viv Albertine and more down here. If you want to an update on what we do every week drop us a line at and we'll stick you on the mailing list....Come down, you'll love it! xx theglad

skitter muster said...

Pleasure Johnny. The Glad was one of the finds of my year. Hope you saw the other posts (Viv Albertine and Syd Arthur) on which I wrote more than this one! Hugo