September 26th - Day 161

In Trafalgar Square this afternoon to catch a part of "Eid in the Square" which, says their website, "celebrates Eid ul-Fitr, the Islamic holiday marking the end of Ramadan, the month of fasting. It is a day of both cultural significant in Islamic life as well as an occasion for spiritual blessings. It is a festival of great happiness and celebration and is rejoiced by millions of Muslims around the world, bringing communities, families and friends together. In 2009 - the fourth year of Eid celebrations in Trafalgar Square - a programme of live entertainment will take place in the square. There will be stalls and exhibitions to visit, plus a children’s play area and prayer marquees for adults as well as theatre and storytelling."

I saw The Ismaili Community Ensemble in collaboration with The Royal Philamonic Orchestra and Chico! That is to say Chico (a practicing Muslim whose real name is Yousseph Slimani) wasn't part of the collaboration, but sang after them, although he devoted most of his appearance to promoting the Rainbow Child Foundation.

The act after Chico had to compete with the flutes and drums of the Lord Carson Memorial Parade which was making its way up Northumberland Avenue and back down Whitehall. The photo is of the Highfield Loyalist Flute Band from Bootle.

And below is a car driver whose getting a bit bored with the part that flutes have played in the preceding twenty minutes of his life.

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