July 19th - Day 92

These people in Brockwell Park at The Lambeth Country Fair are The Top Cats. Not the five people and one dog sitting down in front. Nor the children gleefully tossing a small child on the right of the picture (click for closer view). The Top Cats are the musicians on the distant stage who caused Daisy, who was on my shoulders when the photo was taken, to yell, "It's too loud!!" and then, "Animals!!". The latter remark wasn't a complaint directed at The Top Cats, but a reminder to me that she wanted to see the Polish chickens. It could appear to be a recurring feature of this blog that any encounter with music whilst in the company of Daisy is curtailed by her complaints that the music is too loud, too noisy or too musicky. I'd like to point out that this attitude pre-dates the project.

The Top Cats, by the way, are a dynamic multi-musicianed ska combo who I would very much like to see again when they're not having to compete with the attractions of fairground rides and small, feathery Polish farm animals.

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